Blue skies has been developing
database driven websites since 1998. Over the past 5 years companies and technologies
have come and gone. Blue Skies has kept up to date with the latest technologies,
like .Net, so we can give you access to a wide choice for implementation.
However we do have a preference to an Active Server Page solution
combined with Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server database. Because we have
a lot of experience in this field and a very large base of code we can re-use
we can save you up to 50% on the cost it would take to deliver using other techniques.
Another benefit of our standardised code is the efficiency and security; it has
been tested on large user bases as well as the any security risks websites applications
themselves have over security issues with the actual server software.
Our code has been used to implement dynamic mailinglists, news
posting, content management, administration and online file storage systems to
name a few. Have a look in our portfolio to see what development projects we completed
Technology Profile |
Scripting |
Database |
Plain Text
SQL Server